PFAFF "Art Embroidery-Landscape/Let us travel" 2009, iropa imprimerie, France, catalog of exhibition,p.37
"Home & Design - Sourcebook" 2009, p.78
"LTD Interior Textiles" 2008, p.106
"The Guild Sourcebook of Residential Art 6" 2008 p.296
"Sunshine Artist" Magazine January 2007
"Exploring Textile Arts", 2005, p. 117, Book.
"American Art Collector", 2004, Volume 1, Book 3, p. 141.
"The Crafts Report", May 2004, page 60, Magazine.
"Forestry", October, 2001, Volume 99, #10, Cover, p. 3, Magazine.
"Threads", 2000, Issue 89, pp. 70-75, Magazine.
"Color & Design on Fabric", 2000, Creative Publishing International, p.19, Book.
"Quilts Japan", 1998, Magazine.
"Quilter's Newsletters Magazine", 1998, January/February, # 299, pp. 54-56;
"Diamond Celebrity", 1997, Fairfield Fashion Show, Video.
"Creative Sewing", 1996, Spring issue, pp. 24-27, Magazine.
Award of Excellence , "Ann Arbor Street Art Fair" (the Original), Ann Arbor, MI, July 17-20, 2013
Prize for Excellence in Fiber Art, "Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show", Philadelphia, PA, Nov.11-14, 2010
Best of Show, "Art Fair on the Square" Wisconsin State Capitol Square Madison, WI July 10-11, 2010
Best of Show, MSHAC, "Overlook Hospital Exhibition", NJ, May-July 2010
First Prize American Style Awards, "Palm Beach Fine Craft Show", West Palm Beach, FL, March 2010
Third place Award 2-D Mixed Media, "Coconut Grove Arts Festival", Miami, FL, February 2010
Award of Excellence, MSHAC, Crane's Mill Show, NJ, February 2010,
Best of 2-D, "Port Clinton Art Festival" Highland Park, IL August 2008
Best of Show, "Port Clinton Art Festival" Highland Park, IL August 2007
Best of 2-D, "Port Clinton Art Festival" Highland Park, IL August 2006
Best of Show, "Art Fair on the Square" Wisconsin State Capitol Square Madison, WI July 8 - 9, 2006-2009
Honorable Award, "Boston Mills Artfest" Cuyahoga Valley National Park Boston Mills Ski Resort, OH June 30 - July 1, 2006
Best of Show, Embroidered Pictures. Art Fair on the Square. July 8-9, 2004,2005. Madison, WI
Blue Ribbon, Embroidered Pictures. Frederic Art and Craft Festival. National Crafts, May 7-9, 1999 . Frederic, MD
Second Place, Garment "Moonlit Night". The Mid-Atlantic Wearable Art Festival and Contest. February 27 - March 2, 1997 . Williamsburg , VA
First Place, Wall Hanging Category. Embroidered quilt "Lily". The 1996 Sulky Challenge. Quilt Market and Quilt Festival, November, 1996. Houston, TX
Best of Show, Garment "White Nights". The Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza III Wearable Art Competition. September 19 - 22, 1996 . Fort Washington , PA
Third Place, in Vest and Jacket Category. Garment "Golden Khokhloma" The Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza III Wearable Art Competition. September 19 - 22, 1996. Fort Washington , PA
Fashionability Award for Color, Design, and Wearability. The embroidered garment "Iris". The Fashion Show Competition Bernina University XXV, July 17, 1995. Chicago, IL
Personal Exhibition Schering-Plough Co. Kenilworth, NJ May - June 2006
February Exhibition, 2006 River Gallery, Chattanooga, TN
May 5 - July 2, 2005 "Fiber Feast", Exhibit of Fiber Artists' The Fiber Art Center in Amherst, MA
January 15 - March 15, 2005 The Many Faces of Fiber. Exhibition of FAC. Salem College, Winston-Salem , NC
Fire, Fabric, & Fiber Exhibition. Embroidered Pictures. Glenview Mansion Art Gallery . November 5-28, 2000. Rockville, MD
International Tour. Garment "Volga Melody" Fairfield Fashion Show "Diamond Celebrity" 1997. USA. The World Quilt '98, 1998.Tokyo, Japan
Presentation Watercolors and Embroidery The Russian Cultural Day Jewish Community Center. January, 1994. Baltimore, MD
Participation The Fiber Artist Exhibition Macrame and Embroidery. July, 1992.St.-Petersburg, Russia